Pinetree Acupuncture Clinic offers a range of
professional therapies including;
Acupuncture (Beijing Style)
Chinese herbal medicine
Acupuncturist team analyzes complicated cases
Frozen Shoulder, Impingement Syndrome, GERD
Tui-na Therapy
Detox Bodyfat-Diet Therapy; Visceral Fat, PBF, BMI
Specialized field of care Gastroenterology
Best Acupuncture Clinics in Vancouver
Since 2009
What's new?
Spring Promotions~
Special discounts are available for 5-time package - $375 (Facial acu 40m)
*Terms and conditions may apply
-Dr. Jonathan Llyod; Chiropractor
-New Acupuncturist; Aaron Gilmore
-Detox BodyFat-Diet 3week Program Promotion; $500 (Org.$700)
Complementary Detox Diet Consultation-TCM Consultation &,Inbody scan
*Simultaneous operation with Nuflex Wellness Care(Langley)
-Dr. Kim's Specialty Program for Digestive diseases and Asthma, allergies
; Constipation, Acid Reflux, IBS, Chrohn's disease, Ulcerative colitis etc.
*Inquiry; info@pinetreeacu.com
- Specialty Program for Intensive Infertility Acupuncture Therapy(IAT)
*Inquiry; info@pinetreeacu.com(prefer with medical history)
-ICBC covers Acupuncture treatment fee directly (Effective April 1, 2019)
-We offer direct billing through Blue Cross and Telus Health!​

Visit Us
Clinic Hours
Tuesday to Friday
10:00 - 6:00
Saturday 10:00 - 5:00
Sunday & Monday Closed
#103A- 175 E. 3rd Street
North Vancouver, BC
V7L 1E5
We are excited to inform you that Pinetree Acupuncture Clinic has been selected as a top Acupuncture business in North Vancouver in our annual
Book Local Community Choice Awards for 2017.
-From Yocale-