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Pinetree Acupuncture Clinic

Dr. Hyoun Soo Kim


CTCMA Registered Doctor of TCM

CTCMA Registered TCM Practitioner

Certified Point Injection Therapist

TCM College Clinical Supervisor

A registered Doctor of TCM(Traditional Chinese Medicine) of British Columbia and a registered Chinese Medical Doctor in China.

Dr. Kim graduated from the Beijing University of Chinese Medicine and was one of the team doctors at the Korean Women’s football team in 2001 at the Beijing Games.

He has been successfully treating joint and muscular pain like Shoulder Pain; Frozen Shoulder, Shoulder Impingement Syndrome, Rotator Cuff Tear, and alleviation of cancer pain.


With over 19 years of practice, Dr. Kim specializes in gastroenterology and Immune diseases like GERD, Acid Reflux, IBS, Crohn's disease, Ulcerative colitis, Allergies, Asthma, etc.



- Registered Doctor of TCM 

Nov 2019 - Present

- Clinical Supervisor of Tzu Chi International College of TCM

2018 - Aug, 2019

- Professor of Central TCM College

2017 - 2018

- Former President of BCTCMA(KTAAC)

2009 - Present

- Director of Pinetree Acupuncture Clinic, North Vancouver

2006 - 2010

- TCM Practitioner in the Westview Wellness Centre, North Vancouver

2005 - 2006

- Supervisor of Chinese Medical in the Burrard Wellness Clinic Vancouver

April 2005

- Registered TCM Practitioner B.C.

July-Nov, 2003

- Chinese Medical Doctor in the Hospital of GuoYiTang, Beijing

2002 - 2003

- Chinese Medical Doctor in the Beijing Chinese-Japanese Friendship Hospital, Beijing

2000 - 2002

- Medical Intern in the Hospital of Beijing HuGuoSi, Beijing

Winter, 2001 - 2002

  • One of the Team Doctors of the Korean Women’s Football Team in the 2001-2002 winter season training

  • One of the Team Doctors of the Korean Women’s Football Team in the 2001 Beijing Games

1997 - 2003

- Beijing University of Chinese Medicine

1996 - 1997

- University of QingHwa, Beijing 

약력: 닥터김현수 원장


- Doctor of TCM (CTCMA, BC주) 취득

2019 - 현재

- 밴쿠버 국제 중의 대학 클리닉 슈퍼바이저

2018 - 2019

- 센츄럴 중의학 대학 교수

2017 - 2018

- 전캐나다 BUCM 중의사 협회 회장

2009 - 현재

- Pinetree Acupuncture Clinic 

 (現 노스밴 파인트리 한의원 대표원장)

2006 - 2010

- Westview Wellness Centre (North Vancouver) 한방과 재직

2005 - 2006

- Burrard Wellness Clinic Inc. (Downtown) 

 한방과장 역임


- R.TCM. Practitioner License (B.C. 주정부 ) 취득

2003 July-Nov

- 베이징 중의약대학 부속 국의당 병원 근무 

 2002 - 2003

- 베이징 중일우호 중서의 종합병원 수련의임상의

2000 - 2002

- 베이징 호국사 중서의 병원 인턴의

2001 - 2002 동계

  • The Korean Women’s Football team 동계 훈련 의료진

  • 2001 Beijing 유니버시아드 게임 여자 축구대표팀 의료진

1997 - 2003

-Beijing University of Chinese Medicine

(북경중의약대학 졸업)

1996 - 1997

- 청화대학, 베이징              

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