June 15th, 2020
*Before the official opening, we only can take urgency.
*It will be required two steps screening like Advanced Phone Screening and Verbal Screening on Arrival at Clinic.
*Please be advised to arrive no more than 5 minutes before your expected appointment and check out our clinic procedure.
*Walk-in clients are not allowed.
*If you have symptoms associated with Covid-19(Fever, Cough, Sore throat, Difficulty breathing, Shortness of breath, Flu-like symptoms, Runny nose), have been advised to self-isolate, or have traveled outside of Canada within the last 14 days, then you should be asked to leave and reschedule the appointment when deemed clinically appropriate.
March 17th, 2020
Dear Pinetree Acupuncture’s Clients,
Thank you for your visiting and supporting Pinetree Acupuncture Clinic
You have come to know, we have always taken pride in proving a clean and healthy environment Protecting our staff and clients is our top priority right now.
We have decided to close the clinic for the next 2~4 weeks, to begin with, for the safety of everyone in regards to COVID-19.
All scheduled appointments between March 18, 2020 to March 30, 2020 have been canceled, until further notice.
We will re-open upon further notice.
Your understanding is greatly appreciated while we all try to steer safe.
Best regards,
Pinetree Acupuncture Clinic