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Beauty From the Inside Out.

We all want to look and feel our best.

For most of us, that includes looking younger.

With a wide array of surgical and non-surgical options available, many people find that multiple procedures are frequently required to achieve a youthful look.

And these procedures will often come with negative side effects.

For those who prefer a holistic, non-surgical approach that will treat the causes of skin aging, and not just the symptoms, we are pleased to offer Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture (FRA).

People are talking about this ancient beauty ritual that not only slows down the aging process but revitalizes the body and face.

Perhaps you read about it in USA Today or watched it on ABC News or the Today Show.

Celebrities like Madonna and Cher use it to maintain their youthful appearance. And now this ancient technique is available to you.

There are none of the side effects of invasive techniques such as surgery, injections, lasers or skin resurfacing. Your face will never look burned, stretched, puffy or banned. AFR will help you look younger, be healthier and get in touch with your natural beauty. 

Oriental Facial Rejuvenation


Facial Rejuvenation I (60m)

Facial Rejuvenation II (90m)

Acne Special (60m+)

 Facial Rejuvenation

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