Dr. Hyoun Soo KIM: Clinic Director, Doctor of TCM, Registered TCM Practitioner, CMD

Dr. KIM is a registered TCM(Traditional Chinese Medicine) Practitioner of British Columbia and a registered Medical Doctor in China. Dr. Kim graduated from Beijing University of Chinese Medicine and was one of the team doctors at the Korean Women’s football team in 2001 at the Beijing Games.
He has been successfully treating spinal and muscular pain(Chronic Neck pain, Shoulder pain like Frozen shoulder, Shoulder Impingement Syndrome, Rotator Cuff Tear, and Chronic Elbow pain), and alleviation of cancer pain.
With over 15 years of practice, Dr. Kim specializes in gastroenterology and Immune diseases like Constipation, Acid Reflux, IBS, Crohn's disease, Ulcerative colitis, Allergies, Asthma, etc.
Acupuncture; Internal Medicine
Herb Formula-Traditional Chinese Medicine
Saba Hoda MH, CHT: Acupressurist, Hypnotherapist (Associate Professional)

Saba Hoda is a physician with twenty years of experience as a pathologist in Iran. He used to run a private medical laboratory and also worked in assistant professor of pathology in Iran, teaching medical and dental students for twelve years. Hypnosis is mind characterized by . is usually accompanied by higher critical heightened imagery and increased learning potentials. Although sometimes even hypnotherapist use the term sleep during a session, the client is not sleeping. In B.C. Canada, he is a licensed Bodymind and owner of Hoda Wellness Centre in North Vancouver. https://hodawellness.com
Clinical Hypnotherapy
Anna JO : Registered Acupuncturist, Medical Skincare Therapist

Immigrated to Canada right after having a bachelor’s degree of Horticulture science back in 1995. Esthetician diploma, which is from Blanche Macdonald Institute in Vancouver, in 1996. Since then, fascinated with a natural healing power with plants & flowers. Over 25yrs experience in health and beauty industry as a spa therapist.
Completed Acupuncture diploma program in Central TCM college and achieved BC license.
My aim is to connect the beauty and TCM for beautifully healthy longevity. Anyone who suffers from skin problem, car accident, tensed muscle, neck and shoulder pain, sleeping & emotional issue, stress, and other internal issue, please come and experience Traditional Chinese Medicine. We are always happy to help you!
We are ready to help you for better quality of peaceful life!
Acupuncture; Acne, Dermatology
Skincare Consultation & Therapy
Derrick YANG: Registered Acupuncturist, Certified Tuina Therapist

Derrick is a registered acupuncturist with the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture (CTCMA), also is a acupressure Tui-na massage certified.
He has been experienced managing for muscle & joint pain patients with massage therapy for many years. most of his patients fully relaxed whole body & mind during treatment. he will check very carefully and details for your whole condition and then make the most suitable treatment plan. he has great knowledge for needling acupuncture, acupressure massage, cupping techniques, and so on.
He is a person who care about harmonized between body & mind the most.
Derrick loves free diving & spearfishing with people. it's extreme sports for human body to hold breath and deep dive which need to fully understand about mechanism human body & nature. also calm & control own mind is key point for safety any type of extreme sports.
Acupuncture; Muscular & Joint Pain, Sports Injuries
Tuina Therapy
Acupuncture; Sports Injuries, Postural disorders
Korean-style needling techniques
Kumi H.: Aroma Coordinator, Thai massage Professional, Therapeutic Touch
She has been working as a massage practitioner since and has worked extensively
with over 12,000 clients in the area of massage. She had trained most massage
in Japan. She holds certification in Aroma Coordinator, Reiki, Therapeutic Touch in BC,
many of experience of Thai is dedicated to continuing professional
development. She can work on relieving stress you forget
about life stress with a relaxation focused treatment. She is passionate about the positive effect of massage on the and soul.
Thai Massage
Aromatherapy Massage
Therapeutic Touch